Friday, February 4, 2011

Why we run

So no one really asked Sachin Tendulkar when he was 4 years old why he chose to play cricket. In fact I think no one asked him about anything, especially about school, which turned out to be a good thing for all of us. But people ask him now. Why did you choose cricket?
I landed up on a blog of a world-traveller-lady and after completing two years of world travel, covering several continents, she finally decided to open up, with an insightful post titled 'Why I travel'
None of these examples is relevant in our case though. I should maybe look for posts in blogosphere titled 'Oh God! Why me?' or 'How did I land up in this dead-end job'.
Why blog at all about something as mundane as running, you may wonder. Where was this sense of wonderment when you facebook-posted about your weekends spent doing nothing? We are at least spending calories, dude! There is also an 'income' side where we pack calories in, more than what we burn. But that's carbloading - a concept you may find counterintuitive. I leave this tricky explanation to my colleagues now.


  1. Where can I find "Why I travel"?


